It’s a pity that many Nigerians can no longer reason having been blinded or delusion with ethno-religious sentiment and hatred. While they spend fortune on data to upload or download fake materials, posting and sharing unverified posts, less attention is given to research.
I have read many comments on PMB recently acquired WAEC certificate and I can only conclude that many are actually educated but illiterate, walloping in their high level of ignorance while wailing in the ocean of bitterness and hatred thereby alluding it to hunger and poverty in the land.
A LIFE OF SERVICE is a book from Late Musa Yardua.
A life of service ‘ pg 27 late shehu yardua mentioned Buhari as his classmate
Here’s a class photo from Shehu Yaradua’s biography, called “Shehu Musa Yar’adua: A life of service”.
You may need to ask the following salient questions concerning the certification after which your eyes of understanding may be opened with the answers provided below, thereby making you to discuss intelligently with wisdom irrespective of your political lineage or belief
1. Is it possible to get another certificate to replace the lost one?
Answer : No
2. How come that WAEC presented another certificate to PMB?
WAEC never presented
another certificate to PMB but Attestation based on request.
3. What is the difference between attestation and certificate or Why Attestation instead of certificate?
Attestation is a validity of any result upon which a certificate can be issued or has been issued.
4. What happened to PMB original WAEC result?
Answer : Ask the Army headquarter ( IBB)
5. Why should WAEC issue him with attestation? Is it because he is the president?
Answer :
WAEC can issue anyone with attestation irrespective of the person background upon request by the individual and backed up with a police report and court affidavit.
6. How come the certificate looked new with recently taken passport photograph as displayed on the PMB WAEC CERTIFICATE?
Answer :
What was issued is not certificate but attestation which normally comes with an embossed recently taken passport photograph in accordance with the WAEC rules and regulations that guide the conduct of their examination and issuance of attestation which is most often referred to as CONFIRMATION OF RESULTS.
1. July 1961 sat the military recruitment exams and passed;
2. December 1961, presumably sat UCLES WASC exams;
3. April 1962 enrolled for 6mnths training at military school Kaduna
4. October 1962 completed 6mnths training at the military school Kaduna
5. October 1962 proceeded to Aldershot UK for 1 year officer training
“6. June 1962 UCLES released result of December 1961 WASC Exams
Gleaned from the net, UCLES conducted its WASC exams in December to avoid the July Oxford exams”
So, it’s clear that PMB joined the army in April 1962 when he was still expecting his WASC result
I believe that with this enlightenment, many will stop making mockery of their ignorance.
Thank you.
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